Channel: Brett McQueen | Ukulele Tricks
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Pick the Country Bluegrass Tune “Little Old Log Cabin In The Lane”


Sometimes in life it might feel like your dog is your only friend.

That’s what this song is about!

With the sheet music and ukulele tab, try your hand at picking the chords for Little Old Log Cabin In The Lane played in the country and bluegrass style.

Listen to a performance of Little Old Log Cabin In The Lane fingerpicked on the ukulele. Instead of strumming the chords of the song, pick an uptempo syncopated country and bluegrass picking rhythm. I teach you how to play this song in Lesson 4 from the advanced-level Country & Bluegrass Pickin’ course in Club Ukulele.

Download the sheet music and ukulele tab for Little Old Log Cabin In The Lane.

The repeating picking pattern is featured in the first measure of the song.

The first step to learning this song is to practice the picking pattern that shows up in the first measure of the song.

The second step is to learn the chords. The third step is to pick through the song’s chord progression while counting out loud (no singing).

Once you’ve done those three steps, begin to hum and sing out the melody of the song.

Remember to take it slow at first, and if you still can’t get it, I teach this song and several other fingerpicking songs in the country and bluegrass style in the Country & Bluegrass Pickin’ course in Club Ukulele.

Get the Full Lesson and More at Club Ukulele

If you’re new to fingerpicking in the style of country and bluegrass, then, I’m here to help.

I teach you how to play this song and more in Club Ukulele.

There’s so much more to learn in the Country & Bluegrass Pickin’ course.

You get this course and more when you join Club Ukulele. Club Ukulele is a monthly membership where you get fresh new ukulele lessons each month all for you to go at your own pace.

Why don’t you join me?

Learn to fingerpick and more. Fresh new easy-to-follow, step-by-step video lessons delivered to you monthly for you to go at your own pace.

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